Lakhotia: Yes, the individuals having income upto Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh will save Rs 20,000 and individuals having income of Rs 8 or 10 lakh they will save nearly Rs 50,000 income tax saving. But the worst part is the common man having income Rs 25,000 per month—his saving is a big zero. Not a single rupee saving inspite of the fact we are having big rise in inflation and other things in the country—it’s still the poor man or the common man with income of Rs 25,000 per month—no income tax saving at all because the initial exemption limit has not been changed—that’s the big problem.
Q: When we were talking ahead of the Budget, you had asked for an increase in the exemption limit under 80 C. The FM has left that totally untouched.
Lakhotia: No changes made in 80 C—Rs 1 lakh continues and this Rs 20,000, which has been made is a separate section 80 CCF. That is also only in the case of infrastructure bonds. My emotions are taken away. If he would have increased from Rs 1 lakh to 2 lakh—it would have been best one but this Rs 20,000 forced to make the investment in infrastructure bonds only.
Q: Maybe somewhere the Minister had the Direct Tax Code in mind. The Direct Tax Code does talk of an exemption increase to Rs 3 lakh for instance—the draft one. The FM hasn’t moved anywhere closer to that although on the basic exemption, the FM has tried to move in that direction—very small steps compared to what the Direct Tax Code proposes—but he has tried to move.
Lakhotia: Not in the basic exemption, but in the slab rate, FM has moved and that’s pretty good. It gives a chance that yes we can expect in the DTC the tax regime of Rs 10 lakh income and 10% tax only because this time the tax slabs have been changed. They are pretty good and very ideal one for the individuals having Rs 10 lakh or so. They are going to be happy. They will be able to fight the inflation as they are facing today.
Q: Did you expect even this much from him? Were you surprised?
Lakhotia: Not surprised at all because what I expected was for the common man initial exemption limit of Rs 30,000 coupled with standard deduction for salaried employed. Salaried employed the standard deduction is completely missing in this Budget.
Sinha: Yes one would have expected because as we were discussing that the tax slabs have been tweaked and this tweaking has been to make it come a bit closer to what the DTC proposes to do. One would have expected that the same philosophy would have extended to the tax benefits that you have under the exempt-exempt and then tax category that the DTC proposes. So on that count one is little disappointed.
But if you look at the larger picture, the fact that there is larger disposable income in the hands of people who are probably in the upper income bracket, there could be a possibility of that larger income now getting directed to savings if it’s not getting consumed.
Q: Are you okay with the fact that the category of people who are going to be getting this Rs 50,000 in their wallet are likely to come and invest in financial products?
Sinha: If you look at it from one perspective, this category of income generators may not be very large savers. But the FM has is not entirely left them out of the ambit of whatever he could do because the FM has a provision of putting about Rs 1,000 into accounts by way of the New Pension Scheme for the unorganised sector. So to some extent the FM has tried to cover and there the number of people that he proposes to cover is fairly large.
Q: But that’s not taken off—the New Pension System (NPS) has been a total disaster?
Sinha: Absolutely. In fact that’s why if there is an incentive that is provided by the government by incentivising people to start by making a contribution on the behalf of the pension saver.
Q: But Rs 1,000 a year?
Sinha: In the absence of zero, I would say this is better and given the fact that the NPS right now has only few thousand accounts. The amount that has been allocated for this scheme is about Rs 100 crore, which can potentially open 1 million pension savings accounts. I think that’s a positive sign.
Goyal: Absolutely and if you look at it logically—for a common man who is investing about Rs 20,000-25,000 a year and he moves to an EET regime where even the premium, which he is been paid each year is not getting deducted, then the entire life savings actually becomes meaningless so that is extremely useful.
Q: Like Sanjay are you disappointed that he has not expanded the 80 C window and you get nothing out of the infrastructure bond because that’s probably going to end-up banks issuing it?
Goyal: Not at all. In fact, I would say that the limit of 80 C of Rs 1 lakh—if we see it as Mr Lakhotia was saying from a common man’s perspective—I do not think a person who is earning Rs 25,000 a month can actually exhaust the limit of Rs 1 lakh. So if he had expanded the limit under 80 C then the benefit would have again gone to the people who are Rs 5 or 8 lakh income bracket in a year. I am not at all disappointed and even on the infrastructure side, my feeling is that for a life insurance companies and mutual funds, we would actually be allowed to float funds, which would invest in those bonds.
Otherwise it will be very difficult for the government to take these bonds to the common man if the life insurance and the mutual fund industry don’t take this in a big way.
Q: So are you saying this time round these infrastructure bonds will not be issued only by financial institutions and banks like in the earlier days?
Goyal: I am saying they will still do the issuance. What we can do is we can float a fund, which will exclusively invest in those instruments.
Q: Have you had talks with the government towards this because he has been quite silent on this?
Goyal: No, we haven’t actually but my feeling is I see no reason why he shouldn’t allow this because we will still be investing in the bonds issued by those entities. The idea is can we take it public?
Q: The idea is will I get the tax benefit if I go through you instead of buying the bonds?
Goyal: My feeling is they should and then we can take this as a very big development next year. I am sure if I look it from a life insurance industry, we can definitely generate close to about Rs 5,000 crore on the infrastructure if he allows life insurance companies to float funds for this purpose.
Q: Do you fear that if this doesn’t happen what Kamesh is saying that we normally are in any case a very risk averse society? Do you fear that I would rather much go and put my Rs 20,000 there and make up that Rs 1 lakh with other incentives that are thrown into it like home loan, education of my children, my standard provident fund deduction rather than going and taking advantage of a mutual fund or of a unit linked insurance policies (ULIP)?
Sinha: We will also have to see what sort of coupon those bonds will have. What sort of lock-in will they necessarily impose—whether that is acceptable to me as an investor—would also be some of the considerations that you would have. Even today you have options within that 80 C, where you have instruments, which do not give you a very attractive rate of return but then there is certain amount of security with them. For example even banks deposits give you section 80 C benefits but why doesn’t all the investments flow into that category. I guess there is a healthy appetite for a trade-off between risk and return.
Ruchira Jalandhar, Jalandhar: Impact on tax slabs for women and senior citizens?
Lakhotia: This time round there is no special mention and that’s the reason that throughout India we have been receiving lot of calls—people are thinking that the Finance Minister has made Rs 160,000 for everyone. But I would like to give the happy news to the viewers that on the explanatory memorandum of the Finance Minister—Page 2 clearly speaks about the new income tax rates as are applicable for individuals, the women taxpayers and the senior citizens. It clearly states—talking about the women taxpayers—Rs 190,000 nil income tax, income between Rs 1,90,001 to Rs 500,000 at 10% and Rs 500,000 to Rs 800,000 at 20% and over Rs 800,000 at 30%. Similarly, happy news for the senior citizens—Rs 240,000 at nil, Rs 240,001 upto Rs 500,000 at 10% and Rs 500,000 to Rs 800,000 at 20% over Rs 800,000 at 30%.
The only big problem, which I feel in the senior citizen point, is age limit continues to be 65 years. I am going to retire 60 years—I get deduction from the airlines when I am 60, railways I get the deduction at 60 but income tax—why 65. This the question people are asking, “Why the age limit is 65?”
Nitin Mittal, Mumbai: Tax liability for Rs 6 lakh taxable income and exemption available under Section 80C?
Lakhotia: Definitely it will undergo changes but the fact is that he has not kept it in cold storage. I feel it will see the light of the day and I am very much optimistic that from 1 April, 2011 it will be implemented but people expect a little more with regard to the clear-cut roadmap of EET and other things.
Talking about the query which we have got of the viewer here from Rs 6 lakh income, Rs 120,000 putting under Section 80 C and the new Section 80 CCF, I would like to tell the views both are two different Sections, one cannot take advantage in the old Section 80 C itself so Rs 120,000 goes away and the balance amount remains Rs 480,000.
On this Rs 480,000 if he has got housing loan interest also that will continue to get him deduction and on the balance amount now he will be paying income tax, flat rate 10% only because the income up to Rs 500,000 now is 10% tax only.
Narayan Singh, Udaipur: ULIPs will become cheaper?
Goyal: This should make a big impact. I personal feeling is that if we look at ULIP for a ten year term or more this could actually increase the income from a customer’s perspective by close to about 1% each year. So this benefit and along with the new changes with the regulator had brought in from 1 January will make ULIPs much more attractive from a customer’s perspective.
Q: I want you to explain the infrastructure bond deduction a bit more -- it’s a deduction, right?
Lakhotia: It is not a rebate; it has no connection with the present limit of Rs 100,000. This means if I invest the entire Rs 120,000 in the new infrastructure bond I am not going to get the deduction. This is a new Section 80 CCF wherein it is provided that Rs 20,000 exclusively de-marketed for this one single item only.
Q: You mean deduction?
Lakhotia: Deduction mean deducted from my gross income.
Q: Quite like currently I do for my health investment up to Rs 15,000?
Lakhotia: Yes, Rs 15,000 plus Rs 100,000 80 C insurance etc same way this Rs 20,000 plain deducted from the income.
Q: We have been seeing that Finance Ministers over the years are abandoning their role as being financial planner. What has he done? He has basically said, “I am giving you more money. You go decide and figure out how you want to invest it. I am not going to give you more benefit under 80 C and therefore decide for you where you should really be investing and the choice is really yours as to how you want to put this Rs 50,000 (for above 500,000) to good use.” Do you think that’s the essence of what he has announced today, “I am giving you money. I am not going to decide for you where you invest” We always been arguing that your investments should not be driven by purely tax saving.
Sinha: Absolutely because if you look at historically many people have created their savings pool in the manner in which the tax benefit was provided at the point of saving. They did not pay attention on the fact as to whether this savings pool was going to meet their financial goals. I think we are now moving more to environment where we should save the way we ought to and not the way where we get more and more tax benefits. So that’s way it’s a healthy thing that the finance ministers are choosing not to be financial planners for the entire nation.
Q: Is your only fear though that people should not go and blow-up this Rs 50,000 that they get, they would rather invest?
Sinha: I would say there would be transitional benefit of that also because even if they go and spend this there will be a multiplier effect of the economy and while as mutual fund we would like to get the larger share of every pie that the saver would have but the larger growth will happen if the markets are stable and they are moving upwards, which would be a function of how the economy grow. So therefore if they go and blow-up the entire Rs 26,500 crore of tax benefit it has a multiplier which should take the markets up and we should be happy for that too.
Q: Not so happy -- probably wanted more?
Lakhotia: The point is how I can be happy? Please remember, savings we have seen but what about the inflation? Due to the inflation out of this income tax saving of Rs 50,000, my household expenditure will be additional expenditure of Rs 30,000-40,000. THe amount available for savings will be pretty small. Petrol prices gone up now, so virtually no impact on the net saving, net take-home money surplus available for the investor to save.
Q: What you are saying is it looks nice Rs 50,000 on the face of it but given the current circumstances may not actually leave much on the table for the citizens?
Lakhotia: Correct.